Wednesday, December 4, 2013

In Search of Nessie, The Loch Ness Monster

Inverness, Loch Ness, Scotland has rung with the Loch Ness Monster for a long long time in my mind! We in the Northwest have Sasquatch. So legends live on and many tourists come here and buy lots of little ceramic Nessie's! I did! We had problems finding our B&B so we got there after dark so we didn't see Loch Ness until morning. But I kept looking out the window to see if I could see a wave or a ripple or a tail or a little face, but no nothing. John and Glen told us to make sure we take a walk along the pebbly beach down the street so we could see the whole lake that it is very beautiful. But we were a little late in leaving so when we left it was raining cats and dogs and cows and sheep! But we went down to Dores Beach and looked and took pictures. We could not see the whole Loch because it was raining and the clouds were too low!

This is our B&B in Dores, 6 miles from Inverness Scotland!
This was the view of Loch Ness from our window! No Nessie :(
Our room! It was so very nice!
A wonderful breakfast!
I had porridge and delicious homemade bread but I also had a piece of bacon and a sausage! Delish!

Loch Ness Marker in the rain :(
River Ness in Inverness
Inverness Scotland. We didn't walk around because it was raining so hard!
Inverness Castle! Kind of small!

Our time in the Scottish Highlands was awesome! It was so very beautiful and quiet and enjoyable! Maybe next time Nessie!!!!

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