Saturday, November 23, 2013

Cashel Castle: Changeless, Continuous, Cool, Chaste, Colossal, Celtic...

From our hotel, it was a 10 minute walk up to the Cashel Castle. There is a chapel and a cathedral and a graveyard on top of the Rock along with the Castle. Legend has it that the Rock landed here after St Patrick banished the devil from the cave called Devil's Bit, 20 miles north of Cashel. This is also the place of the King of Munster's conversion by St Patrick in the 5th century.

Who needs more words?


  1. The pictures say it all! It's so beautiful I can actually hear the Celtic music playing in the background. :)

    1. I know when I am riding around in the car, I am singing Christmas in Kilarney and when I am walking around castles I hear music from Braveheart or Michael Flatley's Lord of the Dance!
