Monday, April 13, 2015

A graduation equals a Road Trip!

So So Then we stopped at my favorite restaurant in Boise, Cracker Barrel!!!
SOur oldest granddaughter is graduating from the University of Pittsburgh and Bud and I cannot be more proud of her achievement! So off we go, not in the air, no no no! We have chosen to go on the ground!!! We bought a brand new Toyota Corolla for the trip instead of renting a car and decided not to use our old car because our old car had 180,000 miles on it! So off we went yesterday under a cloudy sky with just a little drizzle! But not fir long! Eastern Oregon had bright blue skies and warm temps! Ahhhhh! So lovely! So lovely! We have two weeks to get to Pittsburgh, PA and 2 weeks to get home after a 5 night stay with our daughter ( who has also graduated with her Bachelor Degree from Western Givernors University) and son in law and their three children (our grandchildren:))! So to get this party started we just went crazy and made it all the way to Scipio, Utah our first night! Drove 15 hours and made it there at 9:30pm! Not too shabby. Since it was Sunday evening there was no rush hour traffic in Salt Lake City!

This is Bud and the mechanic with the antlers! Cabellas offered him $10,000 for them but the mechanic said he would keep them because he spent more than that hunting all these years for the largest antlers he could find!

Stopped in Loa, Utah to get some gas and the owner was so very nice and we were talking when the mechanic came in and showed us the Elk antlers that his son found near there! They weighed 22 lbs each!!!

My lunch at Cracker Barrel! Yummy!

Stopped off in Pedleton at the Wild Horse Casino and Bud and I lost $6.00 each :(
Then we went East up Cabbage Hill!

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