Saturday, December 14, 2013

On the First Day of Christmas My True Love Gave To Me: A Walk To St Michael's Mount!

I started my 12 Days of Christmas today because I wanted them to end on Christmas Day! So this morning there was a beautiful sunrise!
We went down and had our breakfast and then we started at for St Michael's Mount. Now the wind was blowing very hard and it looked like clouds were coming in and it might rain. We also have 200 miles to drive to Swanage our next town for two nights! But we will be on the Motorway so it will be about a 4 hour drive, but we are leaving at 9:30am. We really don't plan on walking out there because the tide might be in and time is our enemy! It is only 4 miles from Penzance. So we pull up! We take some pictures from a distance.

We got back in the car and went a little closer to get better pictures! Now I shall insert here that yes they are Wind Surfing here, yes the wind is blowing hard, but it is 55 degrees outside and they are wearing wet suits! But I sure wouldn't do it but I wouldn't wind surf on a sunny day! And then we noticed that the tide was out and the causeway was showing and we could walk across to the island so off we went!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you see the walkway! Follow the yellow brick road! A little history lesson will begin now: 2000 years ago trading ships sailed into the Mount Harbour and exported Cornish tin to the rest of Europe. Religion followed the traders, an apparation of the Archangel St Michael is said to have been witnessed by a fisherman in 495 and by the 6th century AD it is thought that the Mont was a thriving religious centre. After the Norman Conquest, the abbey was granted to the Benedictine Monks of St Michael in France. The church on the island's summit was built by the French Abbott, Bernard leBec and through the Middle Ages the Mont became a major pilgrimage destination. Four miracles are said to have taken place between 1262 and 1263 and added to its religious magnetism.

What a wonderful gift!!!! Better than diamonds?

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