Thursday, December 19, 2013

On the sixth Day of Christmas My True Love Gave To Me: Anne Frank's House

Now you wouldn't think a true love would want to sadden his loved one, but this loved one has been wanting to see the House Of Anne Frank since she was about 11 years old. In school we read the Diary of Anne Frank and I was sad but curious about how she and he family and friends kept in hiding for so long. How they dealt with the fear of getting found every single day. How she dealt with not being able to go outside, not running and playing and laughing out loud! To be constantly shoosed and told to be quiet. She couldn't even open a curtain to peek outside, well only a peek every so often for fear of being seen by somebody and turned into the nazi's. And they had heard stories about the people who did go to the concentration camps. My heart was heavy reading her story when I was young and my heart was heavy walking around her hiding place and reading about her thoughts.

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