Friday, August 3, 2012

Amalfi Coast-Unbelievable!

So on my part I goofed big time! I know we were all tired of running and seeing so I thought what a good idea to take one day off, kick back and then drive the Amalfi Coast on the way to Rome. Bad idea! We ate breakfast and then checked out of the room and it was already 9am. It takes 2 1/2 hours from Sorrento to get to Rome, that is where our next stop is. When I made the reservation for the rental car, I said I would drop the car off at the Airport 25 kilometers west of Rome. Well you see the problem? We are now adding an hour to see the Amalfi Coast and that is without stops! YIKES! PANIC! Well on the inside anyway. I tried not to show my panic cause I was panicked. But anyway, the Amalfi Coast is so very beautiful. Bud drove at first but Travis gets car sick so right before Positano, Travis started driving and we only stopped twice. We stopped to take pictures when we first arrived at the coast and then to put 4 locks on a aluminum netting to hold off little landslides on the side of the steep hill. We were going to do it on the Walk of Love but forgot to buy them. Carleigh remembered when we were at a store and bought 4. So we chose that place between Positano and Almalfi to lock them up. There was one for each couple and one for Carleigh's Stuffies (a cute stuffed monkey and lamb) and one for all of our names. It is kinda neat to think those locks are there and through them we are there in spirit! We threw the keys into a steep ravine, never to be found again!

We did make it to the airport only about 40 minutes late, not too shabby! Travis made up time on the Autostrada. We thought we had some leeway because when we picked up the car, we were suppose to get it at noon, but we didn't drive off the lot till 1:45pm.

What I suggest to those coming over to Italy, do give time to drive the Amalfi Coast and stop in the little towns of Positano and Amalfi, they looked very pretty and very interesting! But now we are off to Rome!

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