Thursday, August 30, 2012

Venice-Two nights of Beauty-Hotel Wildner

White swan of cities, slumbering in thy nest
So wonderfully built among the reeds
Of the lagoon, that fences thee and feeds,
As sayeth thy old historian and thy guest!
White water-lily, cradled and caressed
By ocean streams, and from the silt and weeds
Lifting thy golden filaments and seeds,
Thy sun-illumined spires, thy crown and crest!
White phantom city, whose untrodden streets
Are rivers, and whose pavements are the shifting
Shadows of palaces and strips of sky;
I wait to see thee vanish like the fleets
Seen in mirage, or towers of cloud uplifting
In air their unsubstantial masonry.

This is a poem about Venice, a most beautiful, unique, fabulous, ridiculous, and captivating city! It was incredible! No cars, no scooters, less assertive vendors, no trucks, no bicycles, just canals and old, very old buildings and water boats, water ferries, water taxis, cruise ships and other watercraft. The color of the water is incredible, turquoise, aqua, dark blue, medium blue and and changing all the time. People everywhere, 20 million visitors this year, we were 5 of them! But as evening draws close, the visitors leave this island and it becomes ours. We can walk around and enjoy the evening with impromptu singers along the Grand Canal. We sit at tables outside our hotel and eat watching the people go by. It is so very pretty that you can't take your eyes off the water! We took a water vaporetto, a public water vessel from the ship to our hotel.

Pictures of our Hotel right on the Grand Canal!

Pictures from our hotel room!

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