Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Jerusalem-First Day-Tabgha

We drove to a town called Tabgha. We went to the Church of Multiplication of the Bread and Fish. It is right close to the Sea of Galilee. I will say it again, the Sea of Galilee! What does that sentence conjure up in your mind? I can tell you what I saw visions of, Jesus in a long white plain robe with sash and sandals on his feet. He talks and laughs with His disciples and with those people he saw along the way on the shore of that Sea of Galilee which he made famous. He wanted to do so much for those people that were hurting for so many reasons. To reach out with words and with actions and He taught His disciples to do the same. To take care of His flock, His people, because He knew that He wouldn't be around very long to do it Himself. So here in this place, this special spot along the shore of the Sea of Galilee Jesus performed the Miracle of the Bread and Fish. Between 4 and 5 thousand people plus women and children followed Jesus to hear Him talk and to have Him heal them of their diseases. It was getting late and it was dinner time. The disciples wanted Jesus to send the crowds away so they could go find some food to buy. But Jesus wanted to take care of the people and to feed them. There was a boy who had 7 loaves of bread and 2 small fish. Jesus told the disciples to bring the bread and fish to Him. He blessed the food and then the disciples passed out the food to the crowd. Everyone ate till satisfied and when they collected the pieces that were left, it filled 12 baskets full. Inside the church has the limestone rock on which it is believed by many Christians to be the rock that the bread and fish were laid out and blessed on! Awesome!

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